
Facebook and Marketing tips

Facebook is one of those phenomenon online that the smart marketer can’t ignore. It's they Internet's 2nd largest social network site with more than 140 million active users. Facebook is the number one social community on the internet, and you should be taking advantage of it as much as possible. The starting point for your presence on Facebook is your profile page. You can use your profile page as opt-in page that you design in order to convert your friends to engage with certain parts of your identity.When marketing on Facebook the key is broadening your network. That's why you must be everywhere on facebook! Start a group and you create a central place for customers, partners,and friends to participate in conversations around your brand. Facebook groups comewith boards for posting discussion topics, photos, videos, and links right out of the box.And the best part about Groups is you can create as many as you like for free.While Groups do offer a reasonably robust feature set with no setup, you’re not able to extend their functionality with Facebook applications. Therefore Facebook application are available through Facebook Page.A Facebook page is a public profile that enables you to share your business and products with Facebook users. Pages are more customizable than groups. You can add HTML, Flash, or even Facebook applicationsto your pages to extend their functionality. Pages are a good option for smallor local businesses that want to establish a presence on Facebook.Like light bulbs groups, they’re another free and easy way to do viral marketing.You can also join network marketing group, send out several comments,write notes, add friends, add events, join events, wall post on Groups, wall post on Friends Walls, post videos in Groups, cross pollinate with other Group Owners,add many photos, make sure all your privacy settings are OFF.Never forget that facebook is a society so don't try to be a seller, try to solve others problems. Community is about communication, and that might be the best advertising you could hope for.‘Brands’ are already networking and engaging with consumers via Facebook forleverage, a strengthening and generating a better understanding of the branditself and customer relationships with it, and for participation and valuablefeedback.Commercial strengths and opportunities of and within Facebook are actually Iphone 4s Stand many.

